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Trusting the Magic of New Beginnings

I read recently that growth emerges by coming to the end of something, and by beginning something else. Often times, an ending is the catalyst needed to launch us into the unknown of beginning again. I also believe there can be an element of continuation within our lives that sparks a new beginning to emerge and expand.

I am a firm believer in the cycle and seasons found within life, circumstances and relationships. We have tendencies to create permanence in all areas of our lives, when in fact, change is the only constant. Some things, situations, and even people come into our lives for only a designated amount of time. I have found a peace and contentment within that mindset.

Why is it hard though to trust the magic of new beginnings? New beginnings and fresh starts are exciting, yet can feel terrifying at the same time. The magic of new beginnings comes to us through the spaciousness and mystery of the unknown. The space of not fully knowing yet where the new adventure will lead us or whether we even feel equipped to take that next step. A step most assuredly that will take us out of our comfort zones and launch us into the unknown of that new beginning.

Here’s where trust comes in. Trust and faith, I believe. Trusting in the waiting, the listening and the powerful invitation to move forward. Trusting that something is waiting, an opportunity to expand beyond our imaginations. This is where the magic comes in. It’s helpful to develop a growth mindset to be ready for these opportunities for new beginnings. To be ready for and equipped for what is certain, the various changes found within life and the expanded growth potential that awaits us. Growth that comes through knowing that we can begin again whether through transitioning, creating a continuation, or simply letting go in order to expand into a new experience.


Sandy Raper Yoga

Here are a few helpful tips for cultivating a mindset ready for the adventure of a new beginning:


Curiosity is a strong desire to know or learn something. It is a quality that we can cultivate just by initiating and taking those action steps towards the unknown of beginning or starting something new. Curiosity fuels our ability to trust and step out and step forward. Stepping out to explore, with a growth mindset to learn, and doing so before we even feel prepared or equipped enough to do so. Curiosity invites us into the magic that is waiting. The rush of expectation that comes from trusting that you don’t have to know it all to begin something new or create a new beginning in your life. And the ability to be in a new or expanded learning experience no matter what season of life you are in. I have experienced this action-led curiosity in my life and it has catapulted me into opportunities, experiences and connections that I would have never dreamt were possible if I hadn’t been curious enough to explore. I invite you to become curious. Curious to notice that which sparks interest, desire and deep spaces of joy, happiness and fulfillment. Listen to those promptings and explore the vastness of growth that is awaiting you just by being curious.

Better to have sought out to learn than to stay stagnate in a space that doesn’t provide nourishment and sustenance for your overall wellbeing and growth.


“Be still and know”. Take time daily, or as consistently as possible, to get still and settle. Settle the anxiousness that arrives and arises when we feel something is ending, and we are fearful of the unknown. Fearful of a new beginning launching within our lives. This fear is that attachment piece again to permanence. This idea that change is not taking place.

We can use this tool of settling into stillness and grounding ourselves within our physical bodies to become present with the sensations of our breath and the sensations of information we receive in our body in our seat. Now this doesn’t mean that we are comfortable. Most likely, many days, we will feel uncomfortable. The focus is more on the noticing qualities and sensing what is present. Finding that contentment again to just being with what is, instead of feeling possibly saddened about what was, or anxious about the future. The invitation is to get familiar with what is presently, in that daily stillness practice.

Getting still gives us time to ground ourselves into what we do know in that moment. Stillness creates space for us to notice and then organize ourselves. Organize ourselves for whatever new adventure we may be pursuing. Getting still also allows us time to evaluate and listen inwardly to a trusting guidance for where and how we’ll take or next steps. Stillness invites us into inspiration and the manifestation of those curiosities I mentioned. Much of our life is lived in motion so intentional opportunities to get still becomes a requirement. We need this balance to support and maintain our overall wellbeing and ability to respond to the unknowns of life in a way that is helpful and allows us to grow.

Remember, change is the only constant. Nothing is permanent. We can create so much ease in our lives by noticing the imbalances and opportunities that are available for us to recalibrate our nervous system, which is where all of our movement and daily activities have there origins.



Let’s get real. New beginnings can either paralyze us or propel us forward. We can get stuck in the not knowing that causes us to not move forward. There’s a certain level of authenticity required to take action. We must be realistic with where we are, at that given time of our life. We must take inventory of our mindset and offer ourselves the grace and self-reflective opportunity of evaluation without judgment. Here is where the development of trust arises and the willingness to be in a new learning curve and cultivate qualities of being a life-long learner.

Cultivate a growth mindset. Take time to journal your heart’s desire and your fears, too. Journal the promptings that you receive in the still moments of your day. Become a listener to the intuitive space within and the inner guidance that is bigger. Be authentic and willing to ask others for help along the way. A valuable tool I have learned is to look to others who have already made their way along the path that you have freshly stepped onto. Look to those who inspire you to explore this new beginning in your life.

Seek guidance and wisdom from those who have already made a way. Be vulnerable in knowing that it’s okay to ask for help and seek encouragement and inspiration for this next part of the journey in your life. In turn, as you progress along, be watchful and attentive to see those individuals that you can inspire and reach out to help bring them along on their new pathway. This strengthens connection with others and forges bridges over those unknown territories that we will inevitably encounter and,

“suddenly you just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”

As I embark on a yet another new beginning within my yoga teacher career, I am excited to launch my podcast called the Beyond Yoga Teacher Training Podcast. Although I really don’t feel that anything has ended to spark this new beginning, I do feel like this is a continuation on my pathway for almost two decades now. I will turn the page to continue and explore this next chapter within the story of my life and yoga teaching experiences. I am excited to learn, to grow and be amazed by what is yet to come. And so, I will keep turning the pages and trust in the magic that is waiting for me there.


Catch the first episode on the Beyond Yoga Teacher Training Podcast:



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